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Dent Care Dental Care Blog

Why Do My Dentures Smell Bad?

May 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentcare @ 3:53 am

Older woman discussing denture care with dentistHave you noticed your dentures giving off an unpleasant odor? Maybe they are leaving a bad taste in your mouth? Your dentures are not supposed to smell or taste bad. If they do, it’s a sign you’re not cleaning them well enough. Here’s what’s behind the odor and how you can keep your breath minty fresh.


Why Cosmetic Dentistry Isn’t Just for Celebrities

March 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentcare @ 3:41 am
person speaking with cosmetic dentist about treatment options

Watching TV or movies, you often see celebrities with stunning smiles that catch your eye. These perfect smiles aren’t always natural; many celebrities get help from cosmetic dentistry to achieve that look. But cosmetic dentistry isn’t just for the rich and famous. It’s become more affordable and accessible to everyone. Keep reading to find out what cosmetic dentistry offers and how it can help you achieve your own beautiful smile.


Don’t Panic! Here’s What You Can Do If You Lose a Dental Crown

January 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentcare @ 12:12 pm
Dental crown on a table

Modern dental crowns are incredibly realistic, so much so that it can be easy to forget that your restoration isn’t actually your real tooth. That can make it all the more shocking if you ever wind up losing that dental crown for one reason or another.

While it can be easy to panic, there’s no need to be concerned. If you stay calm you’ll be able to put your restoration back in place in no time at all, and get back to feeling 100%. Here’s what you ought to do if you find that your dental crown has come loose.


Thanksgiving Foods That Can Stain Your Teeth

November 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentcare @ 5:37 pm

Thanksgiving foods on wooden tableAs you gather with friends and loved ones to give thanks for all the blessings throughout the year, Thanksgiving can come back to haunt your smile. You’ll be surrounded by seasonal foods and drinks that will tempt your taste buds, but some may also stain your teeth. No amount of brushing can reverse tooth discoloration. Here’s what you need to know to safeguard your pearly whites without missing out on your favorite Thanksgiving foods and beverages.


Exercise is Great for Your Body, But Can It Damage Your Teeth?

September 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentcare @ 10:34 pm
Woman rests from workout

Everyone knows that regular exercise is necessary for a healthy body, but it can take a toll on your teeth if you don’t take the proper precautions. Certain workout habits present real risks to your dental health, and no one wants to lose their pretty smile while working on their physical fitness. Here are some tips from your dentist to keep your workout free of tooth decay and traumatic dental injuries!


Are Sugar Substitutes Okay for Teeth?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentcare @ 10:35 am
A closeup of various sugar subsitutes

Like most people, you probably know sugar isn’t good for teeth. Everyone from dentists and physicians to your parents will have told you as much. That said, you might wonder if the same applies to so-called sugar substitutes. Do artificial sweeteners decay pearly whites like sugar does? Fortunately, your Sunnyside dentist can answer this question. Read on, then, to learn sugar’s role in tooth decay, how its substitutes affect teeth, and why to go easy on the sweeteners.


Is It Okay to Reline Dentures Yourself?

May 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentcare @ 9:35 pm
A lab technician working on dentures

While often effective, dentures need occasional tune-ups. That’s only natural, as they and your mouth change over time. Still, the fact remains that you shouldn’t reline dentures yourself. This DIY approach is risky and could ruin your prosthetic teeth. As such, you’re far better off having a dentist do denture relining. Your Sunnyside dental practice can even tell you more about the matter. So, here’s a summary of denture relining – its nature, the risks of trying it yourself, and why only a dentist should do it.


Is My Child Too Young for Cosmetic Dentistry?

March 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentcare @ 12:58 am

Happy young boy smilingMany children and teens do not like how their teeth look. Whether they’ve broken a tooth or have stained teeth, it can affect their confidence, especially while at school. If your child is unhappy with their smile, they may be a candidate for cosmetic dentistry. However, not all children can benefit from elective procedures. Here’s what you need to know to help your child achieve a confident smile they will be proud to share with the world.


Can Genetics Give Me Yellow Teeth?

January 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentcare @ 10:25 pm
close-up of a yellow smile

Just about everyone occasionally wishes that their smile was a little bit whiter. There are all kinds of things you can do about that—cut out coffee, brush often, etc.—but for some people, even that may not be enough.

In fact, some people may feel like their smile won’t get whiter no matter what they do. As it turns out, a lot of that may come down to genetics. Here’s a little bit more information about the genetic reasons your teeth could be yellow, and what you can do about it.


Tips for Recovering from Wisdom Tooth Removal Over the Holidays

December 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentcare @ 1:31 am
woman relaxing during holidays

Santa, Christmas dinner, opening presents with family, wisdom tooth removal – wait, that last one isn’t known to be part of the holiday season, is it? Known or not, sometimes it’s necessary. While it may be inconvenient, especially when preparing to gather with family and friends, there are ways you can continue to heal successfully while also having fun. Here are tips from your dentist in Sunnyside to keep in mind as you spend time with loved ones and recover from wisdom tooth removal to achieve a healthier smile.

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